Think about it
The only way that you can make the most out of your first date message is to really put the time into thinking about. It’s important to keep in mind here that women on online hookup websites tend to receive dozens – if not hundreds – of messages a day, and the vast majority of the men massaging them don’t put an iota of thought into their introduction. In fact, a lot of them tend to limit their efforts to sending the women a picture of their junk and hoping for the best. You’re a few steps above that, so you’ll put in the proper time into forming the right virtual first impression with your next prospective partner in Kingston-upon-Hull, Uk.
Stand out from the crowd
In this instance, it’s not inherently difficult to stand out from the crowd (since, as mentioned above, a lot of men tend to think that one picture of their private parts is a decent enough method of communication), but it’s still important to think about if you’re looking to win her over. Women want to be hooked up with men who are inherently intriguing and unique. Let that side of you show right from the very onset by sending her the perfectly sculpted first dating message.
Write specifically to her
If you’re looking to impress her and catch her eye, you need to keep this fundamental trick of writing dating messages in mind. It’s important that your very first message is directed specifically to her. Of course, you don’t know much about her before making contact with her, but luckily, you have some information from her profile to work with. Not every woman fills her profile with a comprehensive life story, but even if there’s a visible lack of information there, you can use some tidbits to your advantage. For instance, she might have a picture in which she’s wearing a classic rock band shirt. A good way to break the ice is to comment on that shirt right in the very first message. This will catch her eye, and it will likely make her comfortable enough to pursue the conversation.
Don’t jump straight into the sexual stuff
Once again, don’t be like the drove of pigs that jump right into the sexual stuff with her every day. There’s a reason why she’s still browsing through the site and has not succumbed to the “courting” of those men – jumping straight into sexual stuff just plain does not work. Women want to be courted properly before they even think of having sex with men they meet online. Of course, there are exceptions, but let’s stick to the standard here. If you really want to maximize your chances of going on a date with this person, you’ll leave the sexual stuff for later, when it’s more appropriate.
Catch her interest
At the end of the day, winning the heart of an online gal is all about catching her interest. Whether it’s dating online or dating in person, women fundamentally want to spend time with a man that they are wholeheartedly interested in. This can be you, of course, because you’re an interesting guy, but you’ll only have a chance with her if you let that side of you show. Be yourself, be honest and open with her, and you just might end up on a hot date this weekend.